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Outer Reef Yachts Polls Socials About Cruising With Furry Friends

February 19, 2024

Outer Reef polled our followers with the following question:

Do you think cruising with pets adds to the overall enjoyment of cruising?

And the results are in:

The majority of cruisers said YES, they feel cruising with pets adds to the overall enjoyment of the experience. However, there were some that didn’t feel the same, with various reasons, including feeling "restricted significantly when it came to touring away from the boat." Another follower stated, "As I’m allergic to cats and dogs I have said "NO" but, I have seen many dogs on boats over the years and the owners always enjoy boating with their pets!" Thanks for the insight!

We always appreciate your feedback and let’s keep the conversation going at #OuterReefCruisingWithFurryFriends

Happy Cruising!

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