John, I had a phenomenal time during the trip. I learned a lot from you and having you on the boat was tremendous.
The ICW is tricky with the bridges, the lock, the marking of the waterways when inlets converge and knowing the destinations for each night. Your experience knowing when to head offshore and where to duck back in was extremely helpful.
I learned the slow pass on the ICW and when and what to say when communicating to boats, bridges, etc. Observing how you communicate and exhibit common courtesy on the waterway was also great for me to see and to learn from. Observing your routine while shoving off and arriving was also helpful to reinforce good practice.
I know all of this is second nature to you because of your long history in boating, but to me, it is always a learning experience and it’s what I admire in you while cruising. Also, I think that the Outer Reef clients that you run boats with are by nature much more experienced since these are 65+ ft serious cruising vessels.
I’m not sure you know this, but, although I boated since 1987, I did not boat at all after 1996. During the early 90’s our boating in New England waters was with boats under 28 feet. It wasn’t until we first met around 2012(?) when we brought the 2004 Sabre down from Fall River, MA that re-started our boating experience. Even then, we only had that Sabre for less than 2-seasons. Jumping from 28-ft boats back in the 90’s to a 42-ft Sabre was a huge leap. Your experience, guidance and coaching while I was running the boat was immeasurable. It allowed me to gain confidence and comfort running this boat from a great coach.
Thanks again for all of your help in buying this boat, your guidance and expertise during the trip and for getting us home safely. I will always treasure these experiences and your friendship.
- Brokerage Yacht Customer of John Dennison
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