We transited Cape Hatteras on board GUIDED DISCOVERY on Thursday night, during a very strong cold frontal passage, with wind gusts as high as 49 knots. Seas built very quickly to 7-9 feet, with sustained winds of 30-35 knots. All this happened as we were circumventing Diamond Shoal, which puts us at least 7 miles offshore and required course changes encompassing 270 degrees. We went from a following sea to a quartering sea to beam sea to another quartering sea to a head sea at the height of the storm.
Notwithstanding the flaw in our judgment for being out there (we took a calculated risk), the 630 showed no flaws in terms of its seakeeping, regardless of the point of sail. The experience was almost surreal! You could not hear the roar of the wind due to the boat's amazing quietness, and since it was nighttime, it was hard to see the wave heights. The boat just moved through the turbulence with sure footed stability.
Outer Reef builds an amazing boat! We were confident that the 630 Motoryacht could handle heavy seas when we bought it, but now we know from experience how stable she is.
While we will continue to adhere to our conservative approach to heavy weather, we now have the confidence that should the unexpected happen, GUIDED DISCOVERY can handle it!
- Les and Diana S., Owners of Outer Reef 630 Motoryacht "GUIDED DISCOVERY"
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